Old Hadware
Old HardwareFor the full duration of the Black Holes and Revelations tour and whilst Dom still endorsed Tama, he would play a single Iron Cobra bass drum pedal. Dom’s also been known to have used a double pedal at points in the Origin and Absolution tour, and that explains why in some videos such as Hullabaloo, you can see this, however no Muse song actually needs it and the only time he is known to have used it was for the odd bass drum flam during song ending jams.Keeping in with his ’space age’ see-through kit, Dom started using the limited edition HP900PC Chrome Iron Cobra.Dom also used the Tama Iron Cobra Hi-hat stand, and the Tama First drum stool with back rest.Dom also has a big 18″ industrial floor fan next to him to keep him cool during play. The other band members have their own too.Dom also has a stick bag mounted on his floor tom, and a stick holder mounted on his hi hat stand - just incase!
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